Market chairman arrests tout extorting tricycle operators, others

Market chairman arrests tout extorting tricycle operators, others

Market chairman arrests tout extorting tricycle operators, others

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

Luck ran out on a serial illegal revenue collector, Ikechukwu Chizoba, when he was caught red handed, extorting money from tricycle operators at Haruna market axis by the market chairman, Mr. Emmanuel Idoko.

It was gathered that the tout, aged 26, who  hails from Udineke Udi, Enugu state, on daily basis extorts the tricycle operators and other motorists, with out any challenge until about 11.30 am on Friday, when the Haruna street market chairman, on a tip-off, arrested him.

According to the tout, "I was working for Tochukwu, (a.k.a.Kapuya Ukwu) but I resigned from working for him because anytime I arrested by anti tout,  Tochukwu will not come and bail me," he disclosed

All his pleas for forgiveness fell on deaf ears as the chairman of the market, Mr. Idoko, handed him over to anti-tout group, warning others to stear clear of Haruna Street market in their own interest.

Mr. Idoko thanked Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo for sacking touts in the state adding that the governor in his magnanimity, created employment opportunity for the youths through one youth two skills initiative.

He urged the jobless youths and those involve in criminal activities to discard such and enrol in the state government skill acquisition programs in their own interest.

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