Faithspiration Initiative Set To Organise Youth Forum

Faithspiration Initiative Set To Organise Youth Forum

Faithspiration Initiative Set To Organise Youth Forum

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

As one of the responses to the growing indifference, apathy and exodus of young people from the Church, Faithspiration Initiative will organise youth Forum tagged " Blossoming Youth, Flourishing Society"

The event which will take place on February 16, 2024 by 7pm till down at Secred Heart Catholic Church Odoakpu Onitsha will equally feature the followings; Praises and worship, Comedy, Music, Motivational speeches, Prayers and Words of God, Wealth Creation and Skills Exposition.  

It would be recalled that Faithspiration Initiative was founded couple of years ago by the Onitsha Catholic Archdiocesan Director of Communication, Rev. Fr. Dr. George Adimike after obtaining his PhD certificate at Vatican City Rome.

It is a platform which he established in order to inspire people of God so that they will recover their faith while those who lack faith will regain it, even those who have backslided in their faith would be rekindled.

Faithspiration Initiative was also a project initiated to reach out to the wider society, inspire a solidarity with everyone and above all, inspire a return to God.

According to the organisers of the event, they said, " We are packaging it in a way it will be attractive to young people, especially those a bit distant from the Church. It is an integration of spiritual, social and economic dimensions to address their faith and life concerns"

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