Uk based Igbo philanthropist inducted into Ozonkpu society in Anambra community

Uk based Igbo philanthropist inducted into Ozonkpu society in Anambra community

By Chudi Ike, Awka

A London, United Kingdom, UK, based Igbo Philanthropist from Umuatulu village, Ifiteani, Enugwu-Ukwu community, Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State, Chief Ignatius Ikechukwu Okoye, was weekend, inducted into the prestigious Ozonkpu Enugwu-Ukwu Na Umunri society with the title name of "Ozonkpu Akachukwu".

Presiding over the function, the head of the Ozonkpu title holders in the community, Chief Joseph Okonkwo Ofiadulu, reminded the new member that henceforth he has been restrained from certain functions and should always believe in truth and say the truth whenever the need arises.

"With the induction into the Ozonkpu Enugwu-Ukwu Na Umunri, you have been restrained from going to make purchases at Nkwo market, your movement has also been restrained and you are expected to believe in the truth and say the truth come what may.

"Ozonkpu Enugwu-Ukwu Na Umunri is the highest Ozor title in the community and you are expected to use your position to assist in the development of the community. I have inducted so many people into this Ozonkpu title. I am not interested in the Igweship of this community but I have advised those I inducted into this prestigious Ozonkpu who are causing crises in the community to return the certificate of recognition I issued to them on or before March this year in their own interest," he further disclosed.

He advised Chief Ozonkpu Akachukwu, to be of good behaviour and avoid acts capable of dragging his image and that of the Ozonkpu society to the mud as such may result in abomination which ends in catastrophe.

In his post induction speech, the new arrival, Chief Ozonkpu Akachukwu, commended the head of the Ozonkpu society, Chief Okonkwo and his members for founding him worthy to be inducted as their member and vowed to be of good behaviour and abide by the oath of office.

"I thank God for this honour bestowed on me and God knows why he keeps Chief Okonkwo Ofiadulu, up to this day. Enugwu-Ukwu is more than the control of one person, we have to join hands in moving Enugwu-Ukwu forward.

"You have to be self disciplined, even before my induction today I restrained myself to certain things even when I was a kid. That I am based overseas doesn't deprive me from being at Enugwu-Ukwu constantly. Technology has made life easy, you can go into zooming to chat up anyone.

"I love my people, my culture and background, anyone that doesn't know his culture is making the greatest mistake. There is no way our culture will go into extinction. My children whatever you say in Igbo they will understand," he stated 

Also expressing satisfaction with the induction, his wife, Rose, said that with this honour bestowed on her as "Lolo Ozonkpu Akachukwu, all eyes were on her and her husband towards ensuring that truth prevails in all circumstances.

She described as false and unfounded, the belief in some quarters that Ozonkpu title taking is fetish adding that as Christian family if it were fetish they would not have come to be inducted.

"Everything during the induction was done in the open for all to see, so there is nothing fetish in it. We even started and ended up with a Catholic priest presiding over the mass service that preceded the induction," she further explained.

Expressing satisfaction with the induction of Ozonkpu Akachukwu, his bosom friend, Chief Kanayo Akabuike, (a.k.a. Akpunwa), who hails from a neighbouring Nawfia' community, said that the induction was a big elevation of Akachukwu  to the highest level adding that whoever that finds himself there is expected to always stand by the truth and avoid illegality.

"Anyone who goes contrary to his oath of office is inviting calamity to himself and family. Ozonkpu is the highest ozor society in Enugwu-Ukwu and her neighbors. Akpunwa who came from London to witness the induction of Akachukwu into the prestigious Ozonkpu Enugwu-Ukwu Na Umunri, reiterated the resolve of Chief Akachukwu to continue his philantropic gesture to humanity.

Highlight on the occasion was the presentation of certificate of recognition to Chief Akachukwu by Chief Okonkwo.

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