Chinua Achebe's country home elects new exco

Chinua Achebe's country home elects new exco

The new PG addressing his subjects shortly after his victory

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

Ogidi community, country home of the late literally icon, Prof. Chinua Achebe, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State, weekend, elected Chief Ikwuka Okoye, as its President General, PG, in a keenly contested election among three PG contestants, and other positions held at the community town hall.

Ikwuka who is called Anumili, by his admirers, scored  991 votes, to defeat the runner up, Chief Chike Maduagwuna who got 705 votes, while the third position went to Collins Mendu, with 455 votes.

In his post election speech, Chief Ikwuka, a farmer, commended the electorate for finding him worthy to serve them and vowed to serve them with fear of God even as he pledged to build Secretariat that would serve as archives, empower the people by proving tricycles and skill acquisition centres.

He however lamented the increased crime rate in the community especially cultism and urged mothers to monitor the company  their children keep to help refrain from crime and criminality.

He reiterated his resolve to fight insecurity by setting up a Central vigilante outfit that would cover the entire community and pleaded to state government to assist Ogidi to fight erosion menace.

Fielding questions from newsmen in the house of the new PG, where he has come to show solidarity and sportsmanship, the runner up, Chief Maduagwuna, accepted defeat saying the election was free, fair and credible.

His words, "The election was peaceful, free, fair and credible. It was chaotic at the beginning. To me I don't see reason why one should go to court in the election that was transparent," he affirmed.

Contributing, a Chieftain in the community, Chief David Obidike, expressed satisfaction with the victory of Chief Ikwuka, disclosing that it was the first time a son of Abor in Akanano quarter, to emerge as the PG of Ogidi community.

He however, attributed the inability of Abor people to produce PG since inception to lack of qualified candidate that would pilot the affairs of the community assuring that Ikwuka would take the people to the promised Land.

"Ikwuka wanted to contest in the second tenure election of the out gone PG, High Chief Chuka Onubogu, but he was advised to step down for him (Onubogu), which he did, and today, the people voted for Ikwuka," he further explained.

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