ASMATA PG, UDWAAS brainstorm on sit-at-home stoppage

ASMATA PG, UDWAAS brainstorm on sit-at-home stoppage

ASMATA PG, UDWAAS brainstorm on sit-at-home stoppage

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha 

The President General, PG, Anambra State Markets Amalgamated Traders Association, ASMATA, Chief Humphrey Anuna, and the executives of Urban Drivers Welfare Association of Anambra State, (UDWAAS), led by its President, Prince Moses Nwabueze, weekend brainstormed on ending permanently the issue of sit-at-home, in the State and by extension, Southeast zone.

The resolve to end the sit-at-home both in the markets and beyond became necessity when the UDWAAS executives paid an unscheduled courtesy call on Chief Anuna at the traders' secretariat situated along Modebe road, Onitsha.

The UDWAAS President, flanked by his secretary and Public Relations Officer, P.R.O, lamented the adverse effect of the sit-at-home on the people of the state and Southeast especially as it concerns trading activities and logistics. 

He advised that drivers and traders should resume their normal business activities and disassociate themselves from the non existent Monday sit at home adding that such action is negatively affecting the economic activities in the State with drivers in the state at the receiving end . 

Prince Nwabueze equally intimated the ASMATA President of the drivers' readiness to always partner  ASMATA and Anambra State Government under the leadership of His Excellency, Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo .

In his response, the ASMATA President, Chief Anuna, hinted that Anambra State is the business hub of the Nation and cannot afford to loose such status by resorting to non existent sit-at- home exercise every Monday knowing fully well the attendant economic instability it poses to the state.

He assured UDWAAS that ASMATA under his Leadership would employ any legal means within its reach to ensure end of the sit-at-home even as he pointed out that his commitment to partner with stakeholders alike to ensure that the welfare of Anambra State traders remains uncompromised. 

The ASMATA boss reiterated his resolve not to relent in ensuring peaceful atmosphere for the traders and to attract investors who for now have diverted to neighbouring states for their business transactions due to fear of uncertainty in the state and Southeast zone.

 He assured UDWAAS of his unalloyed support stating that arrangements are in top gear for both associations to pay Governor Soludo a courtesy call.

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