Archbishop Okeke dedicates Church Building to God ...Hon Idu felicitates with clergy, parishioners

Archbishop Okeke dedicates Church Building to God ...Hon Idu felicitates with clergy, parishioners

Archbishop Okeke dedicates Church Building to God ...Hon Idu felicitates with clergy, parishioners

By Nwacha Chinwe, Onitsha

All roads Sunday led to Saint Michael De Archangel Parish Iba-Pope, Awada, as the Catholic Archbishop of Onitsha and Metropolitan of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province, Anambra State, His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Valeria Okeke, dedicated the ultra Modern Church building to God.

The historic event attracted  captains of industries, politicians, parishioners, friends and well wishers,  and top government functionaries that included Dr Tony Nwoye, Senator Representing Anambra North Senatorial District at the Red chamber, Hon Idu Emeka Godwin, member representing Onitsha North and South Federal Constituency, Rt Hon Fred Ezenwa, member representing Onitsha South 1, Hon Azubuike Udemezue, member representing Idemili North, His Royal Majesty, Igwe Chidubem Iweka (Eze Iweka III, Eze Obosi), among others. 

Archbishop Okeke in his homily explained that dedicating a church building means complete hand over of the entire church building to Gof, adding that once the church is dedicated, the parishioners are also dedicated to God and as such there will be no more functions inside the dedicated building. 

He stressed the need for the parishioners to always keep the Church holy as a place of prayer and eulogized the Parish Priest, Very Reverend Father Kenneth Anona, for his efforts in seeing to the completion of the gigantic church building even as he extolled the parishioners for being supportive.

Responding, the Parish Priest, Very Reverend Father Anona extolled  ArchBishop Okeke for dedicating the church building and for his fatherly guidance and direction, describing it as a mission of love while praising the parishioners for their commitment. 

In his remark, Senator representing Anambra North Senatorial District, Dr Nwoye, extolled the virtues of Archbishop Valerian Okeke, noting that his prayers as well as moral and financial support were a great source of sustenance and growth of Catholic Church in the Archdiocese. 

He opined that Archbishop Okeke’s vision, courage and strength saw to the increase in the number of parishes in Onitsha Archdiocese, from 70 to 183 in over 15 years, pointing out that by the virtue of his sermons, he has helped in the establishment of many strong spiritual homes, educational institutions and nurturing young people with musical talent through his musical academy.

He prayed for more grace, strength and wisdom on the life of “the good shepherd as he continues to direct the affairs of Onitsha Archdiocese in the years to come.”

In his contribution, Hon. Emeka Idu praised the bishop for his doggedness towards the growth of Catholic church within the diocese

He also pledged that his legislative tenure will serve as part of enlargement of the body of Christ.

He further commended the parish priest, Rev. father Kenneth Anona for his steadfastness and also pledged to stand by the church as the church massively stood for him, especially his National leader, Mr.Peter Obi, during the last election.

He also pledged to carry all constituents along irrespective of political party affiliations.

Those that graced the occasion  included over 30 priests from the diocese, as well as Knights of the Church

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