ACOMIN advocates for Boy child sex education, hosts ANPHCDA Boss

ACOMIN advocates for Boy child sex education, hosts ANPHCDA Boss

ACOMIN advocates for Boy child sex education, hosts ANPHCDA Boss

By Uzo Ugwunze

Fifteen  Community based organisations CBOs under the auspices of Civil Society for Malaria control, Immunisation, and Nutrition (ACOMIN) in Anambra state has advised parents not to shy away from also engaging their boy child on sex education to avoid them from being disinformed by mischievous peers.

They also hosted the Executive Secretary, Anambra State Primary Healthcare Development Agency (ASPHCDA), Pharm Chisom Uchem at Leisure Hilton hotel, Awka to discuss the way forward in promoting better healthcare services to residents in the state especially as it affects the optimal function of Primary health care services in the state

In her welcome address, the ACOMIN State Coordinator, Mrs Chioma Okeke who referred to the recent activities held on the 16th of May, International day for the Boy child  decried the level of ignorance surrounding many male children as they develop into adolescent age which often result to vices like pornography, masturbation, incest, bestiality, rape, homosexuality and premarital sex which could further lead to STD infections, unwanted pregnancy and sometimes depression.

"Our parents should tell their boy child from age 12 to expect certain changes which include slight breast pain, penis erection and whitish discharge or wet dream, attraction for the opposite sex, pimples".

"The boys should be made to understand that it is normal and be properly guided.Parents should watch out when their boy start lying down on their stomach to hide their erection, being withdrawn and teach them self control and abstinence because there are consequences of having casual sex. One can get STD infection which can make one impotent", said Mrs Okeke.

Moreover, Mrs Okeke flanked by the State Program Officer, Mr. Wisdom Jacob and State Coordinator Tuberculosis Network, Mrs Ify Unachukwu said the monthly meeting was to give stock of the progress made in ensuring that residents,  especially those in rural areas have access to quality health care in line with the set objectives of   the project Covid 19 Response  mechanism (RM)/ Resilient and sustainable system for health (RSSH).

Moreover, the ANPHCDA Executive Secretary, Pharm Chisom Uchem interacted with the ACOMIN field officers who voiced out several challenges they discovered at certain facilities in the five Local governments  In Anambra state, namely  Aguata,  Awka South, Anambra East, Dunukofia and Nnewi South impeding the state's capacity to deliver  quality primary health care to the people.

Some of the challenges affecting the discharge of standard primary healthcare services include lack of power supply, water, medical personnel and drugs , absence of Covid and   HIV guidance and counseling department,dirty environment, insecurity, exploitation of patients , attitudinal problems and dilapidated infrastructure. 

Pharm Uchem however thanked ACOMIN for their immense contributions  as foot soldiers towards checking the activities of PHC health workers and ensuring that communities stakeholders co-operate with State Government in finding solutions to  the challenges of PHCs.

She assured them that Governor Chukwuma Soludo of Anambra State has special interest towards tackling the healthcare challenges of Ndi Anambra reiterating the State Government's commitment to partner with ACOMIN.

"We appreciate your findings which is not to witch-hunt anybody but ensure that our PHCs which are over 600 were up and doing. The Soludo's Solution government is running Public Private Partnership to ensure a liveable and working State.

"Meanwhile, His Excellency has concluded plans to recruit more health workers to fill up the gaps where there are shortage of staff in the health sector. He is also willing to assist any facility that is viable and productive," said Uchem.

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