Ochanja market chairman, patrons on interactive session over market quagmire

Ochanja market chairman, patrons on interactive session over market quagmire

Ochanja market chairman, patrons on  interactive session over market quagmire 

By chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

It was more of father and son discussion when patrons of Ochanja Central Market, Onitsha, Anambra State, had an interactive session organized at the instance of the chairman, Chief Bonaventure Muo, aimed at moving the market forward despite all odds.

Addressing the gathering,  Chief Muo stated that he convened the meeting of patrons/stakeholders to inform them of what they are passing through in the hands of opposition with a view to knowing  the way out of the market quagmire.

Recalling how he came on board as the market chairman he disclosed that, "On 23rd May, we will be two years in this office and we have done a lot with the money we  are supposed to put into our pockets.

According to him "I was able to increase the revenue base of the market from #20 million that I met it to #72 million in 2022, which previous administrations were not able to achieve," adding that in the 2023 physical year he also increased it to  whopping  sum of #95 million.

"We achieved #95 million, Ochanja scored first position. But what I am seeing in Ochanja now is not what I expected to see, maybe I don't rule with the style of leadership from others.

"He reiterated that the market problem started during the construction of the Oduigbo section of the market hinting that some stakeholders accused him of being the brain behind the construction  having invited contractors from Awka when the market has capable hands to construct the Oduigbo market.

"Another one is that they said I am not suppose to collect IGR from upstairs, but is what we were told in  a meeting that down stairs and up stairs are the same, that we must pay. I came home and told them but they refused, and rather we all went to Awka and Awka said we should go to our market and discuss it. 

"But something happened along the line, those people writing petition spread a rumour that Chief of staff connived with me and they paid him #30 million which he shared with me and that is why I wrote #4400 for them to pay. when Chief of Staff
 heard about it, he was saying is that how Ochanja behaves?

"When we started another one in 2023, everybody started going to Awka till chief of staff sent everybody back home, that was where the hatred started but all I know is that my good work in this Ochanja is speaking for me.

"My dear patrons, what I am telling you all is that whenever you hear anything wrong in this market, try and ask us. My shop was demolished for no reason, they said  it is order from Governor but I got a video where my co traders were demolishing it by themselves. I invited police against them because they are not working with physical planning board or council staff, then I reported it to police for them to handle it by themselves.

"Nwabueze Umeh came with his members making noise, clapping hands and pointing their hands at my mouth so the police men said I should follow them that if I stay here that my life will be in danger. On the process of going with them, they started calling me 'B. Moore is a thief, video it and sent to social media."

He recalled that one of their members called him and told him that the battery that supplies light in Ochanja was bad and I told him to come and report to the executives which he did and we concluded in our meeting that we will change it to modernized one and we selected three people including my secretary and they started working on it.

"After one week, chairman local Government Areas, sent me a text that they petitioned me that I stole solar battery which was signed by Mr. Okasi, member in our committee, I replied him through typing that he doesn't have authority to minister anything concerning our market that they should petition to governor and copy to SPAD and not myself and that they are suppose to report to us about their work before anything.

"Chairman pleaded that he didn't know it was what happened. We are moving well but out of 12 there must be a Judas, let alone when. we are 21 What I have to say are versatile, they are many but I just decided to drop just few," he affirmed.

 Reacting, Mr. Ikechukwu Ubachukwu, said that, "This meeting in the real sense of it  is suppose to be council meeting, those that are suppose to be invited are past presidents of the market.  We have lack of communication and understanding, we elders are waiting for you executives to come to call us and you people were waiting for us to call you people, and things continue damaging.

"We will go with your complaint and get back to you, but all I know is that Ochanja has come to stay, as far as Ochanja is concern whoever that will be in that chairmanship position must be tackled  by others," he lamented

He further frowned at some traders who will claim that the governor has ordered them to carry out certain actions and on going to Awka to be sure of such order it turns out to be false.

"Any diversion  way in this Ochanja is in Awka, if you plaster your shop, they will call  you from Awka, everybody is going to Awka now both line chairmen, hawkers,and  barrow pushers spreading fake news," he stated.

Lamenting that any ochanja chairman is no longer accorded respect , he disclosed that, "They will talk to you anyhow, insult you and humiliate you, our aim of finding solution in this Ochanja is very important, because Ochanja has now formed a group that will be fighting any Ochanja chairman.I am ashamed of it but as Ndi Nna Ochanja, we will find the solution," he assured.

Contributing, a traditional ruler, Obi Peter Calistus Ahanonu, while corraborating the position of  the first speaker, said, "Our problem here is communication gap but all those rumours we have been hearing, we have heard it from you (chairman) direct, all these stories you told us here, there are people you mentioned their names so we will reach out to those people and hear from them when next we gather. Whoever among your executives that you accused we must hear from them and by God's grace we will settle everything and put things in other," he assured.

On his take, Mr. Gilbert Anadi , stated that,  "I am pleading since the chairman has narrated all his problems to us, we will go and get things done, we will summon whoever that is suppose to  be summoned, hear from them and get back to our chairman and put things in other," he posited.

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