Kanu's case: Justice Nyako's refusal to obey Supreme court order is height of disobedience - IPOB

Kanu's case: Justice Nyako's refusal to obey Supreme court order is height of disobedience - IPOB

Kanu's case: Justice Nyako's refusal to obey Supreme court order is height of disobedience - IPOB

By Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha

Indigenous People of Biafran, IPOB, disclosed Tuesday, that the refusal by Justice Binta Nyako to obey Supreme court order on Nnamdi Kanu's case was the height of disobedience 

The movement stated this through her image maker, Emma Powerful, adding that following the continuous insistence of Justice Nyako to detain kanu in solitary confinement and disrespect of the Supreme court orders to restore Kanu's former bail condition she  reportedly unjustly revoked, that IPOB maintained her position that  Justice Nyako should step down from the case. 

"The insistence and disobedience of Justice Binta Nyako to not heed the Supreme Court judgment for unjustly revoking his bail. This remains one of the reasons it  is believed that Fulani men and women are busy destroying Nigeria's integrity and image across the globe. 

"Justice Binta Nyako do you think you are dealing with Alamajiris? Why would you shamelessly say in the open court that you have not read the Supreme Court judgement that remitted back the case file to you? If you had read the decisions and conclusions reached in the said judgement, you would have read where the Supreme Court questioned your impartiality. 

"You would have seen that your handling of this issue was castigated by the justices of the apex court, the same way the Appeal Court admonished you for a similar biased attitude and continuous adjuornments of the case.

"In which country can a High Court judge say he/she will not obey a Supreme Court decision? This is the genesis of lawlessness in Nigeria. A country where a High Court judge can openly boast that she would not obey an explicit directive from the Supreme Court. If a judge has no regard for the pronouncement of the apex court in the land, how can anyone expect lawless entities like the DSS to obey court orders. 

"Judges like Binta Nyako is why there is a climate of disobedience to valid court orders in Nigeria.
We would like to remind Justice Nyako that Nigeria's supposedly inviolable 1999 Constitution said in Section 287(1) "The decisions of the Supreme Court shall be enforced in any part of the Federation by all authorities and persons, and by Courts with subordinate jurisdiction to that of the Supreme Court". 

"Then why is Justice Nyako refusing to follow the Supreme Court's directive to restore Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's previous bail conditions which she revoked unjustly?" IPOB querried.

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