100 receive treatment as ASMATA, Qorban group kick off free medicare

100 receive treatment as ASMATA, Qorban group kick off free medicare

From R-L: The ASMATA PG (middle), Aguata Zonal Chairman among others in a group photograph.

100 receive treatment as ASMATA, Qorban group kick off free medicare 

By Ifey Okeke, Ekwulobia

No fewer than 100 indigent patients in Ekwulobia, Aguata Local Government  Area, Anambra State, benefited from free medical treatment kick off organized by Anambra State Amalgamated Traders' Association, ASMATA, in collaboration with Qorban group.

The flag off, for a 21 free medicare across the state, took place at  Ekwulobia Traders and Allied Workers Association secretariat complex, Eke market, Ekwulobia.

Speaking during the flag off, the President General of ASMATA, Chief Humphrey Anuna, described the free medicare as a strategic move towards prioritizing the well-being of traders in the state.

According to him ASMATA has chosen to embark on this groundbreaking initiative towards nurturing a healthier and more resilient trader community.

He stated that recognizing the pivotal role traders play in the economic fabric of Anambra State, the leadership acknowledged that the health and vitality of our traders are integral to the sustained prosperity of our trading. 

"The leadership understands that a healthy trader is a productive trader, capable of contributing optimally to the economic activities within our markets.

"Furthermore, this initiative aligns with the values of ASMATA, emphasizing community welfare and solidarity. By investing in the health of our traders, we fortify the very foundation upon which our markets thrive, a community that cares for the well-being of her members.

"As we embark on this journey with the esteemed medical experts, we envision a trader community that is not only economically prosperous but also physically and mentally resilient. The routine medical tests represent a tangible commitment to fostering a culture of health consciousness, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of life for our traders," ASMATA PG stated.

Also speaking at the event, 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿 𝗘𝘇𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗼 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗹𝗶𝗻, the CEO Qorban Group and the Director, Medical Check-up, (flanked by the Head nurse, Ngozi Obiajunwa) said that, "The engine room of the economic viability of Anambra State lies on the traders, thus, an unhealthy trader cannot trade well, in line with World Health Organisation's review on current demand on health, for Sub-Sahara Africa, this is an avenue to instill a consciousness on the traders that their health is their wealth", he stated.

Among treatments rendered included, extensive free medical Laboratory test on blood Glucose level, status on malaria, pulse rate, blood pressure, temperature were conducted, with corresponding free consultations, referrals to General Hospital Ekwulobia, for further treatments, among others.

Other zones we gathered will follow suit as arranged by the medical team, according to comrade Ifeanyi Ifedigbo, Head, Strategic Communication.

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