We use age grade system to check mate insecurity: chairman, philantropist

We use age grade system to check mate insecurity: chairman, philantropist

We use age grade system to check mate insecurity: chairman, philantropist

 By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

Facts emerged last Sunday that the age grade system in Igbo land is also used to check mate insecurity in communities despite its major role of assisting in communal development.

Making this disclosure to newsmen during the maiden outing of Umuchimereze Agegrade, Azu Ogbunike community, Oyi Local Government Area, Anambra State, the chairman of the age grade, Nwizu Nebolisa, stated that the agegrade system also assist indigent members both in kind and cash.

“With this first outing our expectation is to move forward, bring peace, unity, progress in the community. We, the Chimereze age grade, our motto is peace and love, we are unified, unitied In all ramifications, both the rich and small, this is the first of its kind, it is never done this way before. It is the way we plan it, to bring people together.

“In terms of forming cooperative society, we have members who are financially buoyant, to pay for the dues of indigent age grade members, we provide our age grade uniform free of charge to them, we have mission to help the members of our age grade, so that they will be like others, we have so many missions, our age grade is from 1990- 95 (Umuchimereze Azu Ogbunike age grade,” he stated.

Contributing, a philantropist and chairman on the occasion that was held at Azu Ogbunike community Hall, Chief Michael Obiekwe, (Mmirioma), said that the age grade system assisted immensely in fighting crime and criminality in the community.

Obiekwe who is the Director of highways in Anambra State informed that he was ready to assist the agegrade when called upon to do so pointing out that the agegrade helps in reforming the youths.

“They should galvanize all well meaning people to see that this Organization is successful. They will continue to be agents of change. They can be able to fight crimes, vices , these are the reasons why these age grades are formed, to see that they are meaningful to the community, society at large.

“They will be able to contribute to all diverse ways for the development of the community. We now have future leaders, the people we can now count upon to assist the unemployed. I will give them mentorship where needed. I am going to support them to see that their goals are actualized,” he affirmed.

He enjoined them not to relent in their effort but to continue in their good work, meetings and campaign for non members to join them to better the welfare of the people in the community.

Earlier, the mother of the age grade,  (Nne Ogbo), Ezenwanyi Ngozichukwuka Adaobuijele Onwuagbu represented by her best friend Ezenwanyi Ogochukwu Anene stated that, “I represent her as Nne Ogbo, Umuchimereze, we expect peace, love, togetherness among them. The woman I represent is a woman with heart of gold,” she disclosed further.

Ekene Adibe, Chairman Ijele Football Club, said that, ” Adaobi ijele is our mother, also mother to this Umuchimereze age grade, so we decided to come and be with her in today’s event. We expect this new age grade to be in unity, progress, love, that’s our prayer to them. Adaobi ijele is the sponsor of our football club,” he hinted.

Engr. Sunny Chijioke, Vice President of Azu ogbunike, said that, “We expect the new age grade to be right in whatever they are doing. God has already blessed them, the community in general, we have been the pillar of Ogbunike, we put barricade, to secure our place and fight insecurity,” he stated.

Chief Onunkwo Ezewulu stated that, “We expect that they will do great things to this community, we pray that their age grade will be among the best in our community. Culture has not gone into extinction they are being modernized, though their own is more celebrated than ours and I pray that they will continue this way.”

Mr Chidiebere Okafor, chairman Utonwanne age grade, said that culture, (Omenala), is not going into extinction, rather in Ogbunike is now more pronounced, adding, “Our forefathers did age grade inauguration and that is how is still being done.”

Obinna Onunkwo, the CEO- Alobu Farm Ltd, commended the age grade for the able way she selected her pillars and chairmen stating that, “It shows that they have foresight, we expect them to come together and carry out a gigantic project in this community.

Also Nze Obidi Onyezia CEO Obisco Foam, a community leader, stated that, ” I am like the father of the day, my grandson is a member of this age grade, Onyeka Onuknkwo. I advise the members to bring themselves together, omenala is our culture, cannot go into extinction, age grade is very important so that you can join your mates in whatever that is going on in the community.

“I give scholarship to secondary schools from JS 1 to 6, you can see that it is good to be emulated,” he stated.

Engr. Aniekwena Ikenna, stated that, “This is what we did during our time, what they are doing is our culture and we support them, everybody has his age grade and since they have belonged to one. It will help them to organise themselves, teach themselves not to be involve in social vices.

“Anybody involve in bad thing, they will help to bring him out, help themselves financially, we pray that their inauguration today will bring peace, progress, unity in Azu Ogbunike,” he prayed

Mrs Lady Chu Anaekwe, said that, I” am one of their pillars, I am happy for them for this thing they are doing here today, even their masquerade they displayed, they did beyond their age. This is to make everybody happy, the community is looking up to them, they should do anything that will bring progress in this community,” she charged them.

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