SUG urges Gov't to empower Graduating Student Midwives with Delivery Packs, build classrooms, hostels ...As ASCONS Student Midwives Celebrate Cultural day

SUG urges Gov't to empower Graduating Student Midwives with Delivery Packs, build classrooms, hostels ...As ASCONS Student Midwives Celebrate Cultural day

SUG urges Gov't to empower Graduating Student Midwives with Delivery Packs, build classrooms, hostels

...As ASCONS Student Midwives Celebrate Cultural day

By Uzo Ugwunze

The Students Union Government (SUG) President, Anambra State College of Nursing Sciences (ASCONS) Nkpor, Department of Midwifery, Comrade Chidi Chuba has appealed to Governor Chukwuma Soludo of Anambra State to consider empowering final year students of Midwifery  with 'Delivery kits' as part of his program for youth development of Anambra residents.

The Students also called on the Government of Anambra State to help solve the classrooms and accommodation problems facing the institution.

The request was made during the Students week cum cultural day celebration of the Department of Midwifery, ASCONS Nkpor at Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State.

Speaking during the event, Comrade Chidi Chuba described Governor Soludo as a youth friendly governor who has a knack for fixing problems facing Anambra people and residents irrespective of their origin.

"We want government to come to our aid in this school. The Department of Midwifery do not have adequate classrooms not to talk of the 3 classroom blocks being ravaged by erosion. We do wait for the Nursing students to finish their lectures before we can have our own lectures".

"Also, we need more hostels to accommodate the influx of students gaining admission into ASCONS because we need a conducive environment for learning".

"Our youth friendly and Solution Governor has empowered many youths  in the state having undergone 1 youth 2 Skills program. I plead with him on behalf of all the final year student midwives to empower us with Delivery packs so that we can help deliver pregnant women of their babies without necessarily waiting for civil service jobs after graduation because government cannot employ everyone," said Chuba.

Moreover, the Occasion Chairman of the ASCONS Students Cultural day celebration and an Awardee, Hon Barr. Ebuka Igwe - Member Representing Idemili South in Anambra State House of Assembly said that some of the challenges facing the school may have been captured in the 2024 budget.

Speaking on the Cultural day, Barr Ebuka Igwe said that cultural programs reminds people of their roots. "I am proud to be an Igbo man and all Igbo indigenes should be proud of themselves at any part of the world. Igbos are distinguished because of our culture".

Earlier, in her remarks, the ASCONS Provost, Dr. Mrs Juliana Nwazuruoke encouraged parents to embrace culture saying that despite being Catholics her Late husband initiated her sons into the Ozo title before his demise.

"There are various norms and values which the present generation has lost because of so called civilization. I do not see anything fetish in culture because it is the people's way of life. For instance an Ozo tittle is not expected to lie or he would be derobed," said Mrs Nwazuruoke.

The duo of Ogbuefi Chukwuedeh Okwuchukwu Marshall (Nwachinemelu) and Chief Chukwunonso Mozie(Ide Nkpor) advised youths against the dangers of embracing things trending on social media at the expense of Igbo cultural heritage. "Hausas, Yorubas are proud to communicate with their native tongues unlike Igbos who seldom communicate with their children with Igbo language in the name of being learned".

The Assistant Director Utilities,  SUG and Vice President, National Association of Nigerian Student Nurses and Midwives, South East Zone, Rt Comrade Sebastine Okolo who is also the 'Onowu'- traditional prime minister narrated the series of activities of the Students' week which began with Sunday Praise night, Sports competitions, Costume day, Picnic, Magazine launching, cultural day cum coronation of new Igwe ASCONS Department of Midwifery.

Highlights of the occasion was the unveiling/launching of the maiden student midwives departmental magazine and the presentation of awards for outstanding leaderships to Hon Barr. Ebuka Igwe, Hon Kingsley Udemezue, Anambra State House of Assembly member representing Idemili North and some ASCONS management/ staff.

Another highpoint was the installation of Igwe Goodness Chinecherem Chuba (Agbalusiangene Otichamgbadaaji VII of ASCONS) and his Lolo Mmesoma Nwafor who took over from His Majesty, Igwe Chidi Chuba (Igwe Chimereze VI of Department of Midwifery,ASCONS).

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