Idemili South commends Soludo for distributing palliatives to indigent indigenes and non indigenes

Idemili South commends Soludo for distributing palliatives to indigent indigenes and non indigenes

By Uzo Ugwunze

It was jubilation, commendation and eulogies for Governor Chukwuma Soludo by both indigenes and non-indigenes as the ongoing palliative distribution of rice by the Anambra State Government commenced at Idemili South Local Government Area (ISLGA).

The first batch of the palliatives for Nnobi, Nnokwa and Oba communities was  about 3,420 bags of 10kg rice which was distributed to the five wards under the supervision of the councillor/ liaison officers of representing the wards in the ISLGA transition committee.

Speaking at Nnobi, the Councilor representing Nnobi Ward 1, Hon Peter Ezechukwu said the distribution of the  palliatives was strictly according to the directives which was for the less privileged people in their community urging people to continue to support the Soludo led administration for more democracy dividends.

The President General Nnobi, Barrister Dominic Okpala community eulogized for putting smiles on the faces on Ndi Anambra with the palliatives to cushion the effect of economic hardship experienced by Nigerians.

"We are here today to ensure even distribution of the palliatives brought to us by Charlie Nwamgbafor, the solution governor. We have three wards in Nnobi and they got 500 bags each making it a total of 1500 bags of 10kg rice. The beneficiaries include both indigenes and non indigenes of different political party and religious affiliations.

"We ndi Nnobi community will continue to support him and All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) led government, Soludo will continue to be our governor until he completes eight years in office," said Okpala.

According to APGA Chairman Nnobi Ward 1, Chief Ikechukwu Ezeanya, Nnobi is happy with His Excellency, we applaud his intervention at gully erosion that cut Nnobi road. Soludo has also captured to build some roads for us come 2024.

The duo of Councillor Nnobi Ward 3, Hon Emma Ezeudogu and Chief Jude Ogbuoji, a kindred leader said that they were delighted to benefit from the palliative which will go round the 24 kindreds in ward 3 saying that all the kindreds got 20 bags each from the palliatives for the less privileged among the community members.

At Nnokwa, the Councilor, Hon Mrs Jane Egbuko said that her people were happy when the 500 bags of 10kg rice allocated to them arrived saying that they were meticulous to ensure that those the palliatives were meant got them without any form of discrimination.

"Nnokwa received 500bags od rice which will go round the 21 wards and an additional ward created for non indigenes to ensure no less privileged person was left out. All the chairmen and secretary of these  wards had earlier submitted names of the intended beneficiaries before the distribution commenced,"said Mrs Egbuko.

The PG Nnokwa, Wing Commander Joe Anyika Rtd after thanking the Governor for the gesture said they would ensure no less privileged person was left behind in the rice distribution.

A non indigene residing at Nnokwa, Mr Uchenna Nwafor from Ebonyi State said they were happy with Governor Soludo for not leaving them out of the palliative distribution saying that they have lived long enough in Anambra to know the right person to vote who has everyone's interest at heart.

"We shall continue to support Governor Soludo because he does not discriminate against non indigene even in the youth empowerment scheme. We shall ensure this rice is properly shared even if it goes round for 1 cup each person, it will bring some relief,"said Nwafor.

The Anambra State Association of Town Union (ASATU) Youth leader, Idemili South, Comrade Chinweike Ekechukwu said: Solution is working. I thank him for remembering us.

Soludo has been doing a lot for Anambra and should be allowed to go for a second tenure".

At Oba, the trio of the President General, Oba Patriotic Union, Chief Sir Osita Ubadi, Councilor Oba Ward 1,Hon Uche Ubadi and Hon Nzube of Oba Ward 2 after eulogizing Governor Soludo for distributing the palliatives ensured that the 650 bags of 10kg rice and 770bags meant for Ward 1 and Ward 2 respectively were shared among the poor of the poorest residents.

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