NGO pays hospital bills for 6,000 patients, empowers scores

NGO pays hospital bills for 6,000 patients, empowers scores

NGO pays hospital bills for 6,000  patients, empowers scores

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

A Non Governmental Organization, NGO, Igbos Love Themselves Charity Foundation, world wide, with headquarters in Nkpor, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State, has in its charity work of putting smiles on the faces of the downtrodden, reportedly rehabilitated and paid the hospital bills of about 6,000 patients, since inception.

The founder of the NGO, Ezeaku Ejiofor, made this disclosure Sunday, while fielding questions from newsmen in his office, adding that the number was for all that have benefited from the NGO from inception in 1st January, 2018, when it was founded.

He listed most of the benefitting patients that could not afford payment of their hospital bills to include, those suffering from fibroid that were 2,000 in number, those with holes in their hearts, anus problem, cancers of various types, birth deliveries, heart failures, liver problems, among others.

According to him the patients are many with different illnesses and their lack of finance most times resulted to their untimely death.

"I have this passion to assist the poor, it is inborn in me, and it was what led to my formation of the NGO, to assist the poor. The formation was God's making, to bring it to this magnitude, that the NGO is now scattered all over the Southeast states, and beyond, what I started here in Nkpor Junction, now left the apartment for a flat in another place within Nkpor.

The 12 years old boy with a hole in his heart

"It all started when I was building my house at Umusiome Nkpor, through my Facebook platform, an old man that was molding blocks for me, told me when I wanted to pay him that he has no money to procure what his family will eat to celebrate the Newyear day, that was the next day. I then told my wife to give me her Android phone to video the man as he was molding the blocks, I videoed and put it in Facebook and minutes later my wife told me somebody, Chi Boy, from Canada, has sent #10,000 to the block molder.

"Before you know it more people sent theirs and #50,000 was realized which was meant for the man. The man was living in a mud thatched one room apartment in Ogidi with his family of five.

"We called him and he trekked from his house close to Iyi-Enu hospital to come and collect the money. We are transparent in what we are doing because I have the passion for the poor. People in Diaspora who donated the money advised me to set up an NGO as a platform for those poor people and I did. Today it is the Igbos Love Themselves Charity Foundation, worldwide.

"I rented a flat for the man which cost about #450,000 and built a bungalow for him in his Ehamufu country home, Enugu State. Though he is late now, the family enjoys the comfort of their home," he explained.

"Another example of my passion for the poor was sponsoring for treatment of a 12 year old only son, from Awomanma, who had a hole in his heart. He was taken to India and treated. His heart was removed and returned, today the boy is healthy and can play football.

"There are so many of such cases which are so numerous that we can't stay here to mention. There is this case of a family from Ukulu, Ebonyi State, held in India because no money to fly them back to Nigeria. We paid. 

"We empowered scores of poor people, gave shops and money to them and today they are owners of their shops. From hawking to ownership of shops. We do this for God and not man," he further explained.

There is this woman that Hawks satchet water, we empowered her and today she is the owner of her shop. We do these for the poor to feel belong because we are all children of God," he affirmed.

Pic 1. Shows the founder, pic 2 the founder empowering a satchet water (pure water) hawker, with cash which she used to establish a shop with provisions of all sorts.

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