Fr Ebube Muonso, PG, others behind my enthronement as monarch - Anambra monarch

Fr Ebube Muonso, PG, others behind my enthronement as monarch - Anambra monarch

Fr Ebube Muonso, PG, others behind my enthronement as monarch - Anambra monarch

By Calis Mbadugha, Onitsha

Facts emerged Sunday that without the involvement and determination of the popular Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma, (a.k.a. Ebube Muonso), the incumbent Presided General, PG, of Nkwelle-Ezunaka community, Oyi Local Government Area, Chief Willie Okafor, former PG, Hon. Areh Onyenze, among others, Anambra State, the new Igwe-elect, Ogbuefi Obiora Anachuna, (a.k.a Omenife), would not have smelt the coveted  Igweship throne.

Making the disclosure by himself during his coronation at Hilltop Primary School, Sunday, Igwe Anachuna, stated that those were the men that stood their ground  to have a monarch and in reality commenced the process of having a monarch 23 years after late Igwe Raphael Nwakoby joined his ancestors.

His words, "Rev. Fr. Ebube Muonso, started the process of election of a new monarch to have a traditional ruler 23 years after the demise of our monsrch. The former PG, Areh Onyenze continued the process and when he left, the incumbent PG, Willie Okafor, completed the process by calling for a peaceful election which was conducted and I emerged as the winner.

"The work in Nkwelle-Ezunaka is so enormous that we will gradually tackle it. We will not ask God why we did not have a monarch all these years. We will pull every body together in this task of developing our community," he assured. 

On those that went to court against his victory, he pleaded to them to join him in moving the community forward adding that the election was transparent for all to see pointing out that it pleased God that he emerged as the winner.

Igwe Anachuna paid glowing tribute to the Catholic Priest, the incumbent PG, former PG Areh and others too numerous to mention for the role they played that resulted in the community producing a monarch 23 years after.

Contributing, the incumbent PG, Chief Okafor, stated that the newly elected monarch and his cabinet members will synergize on how to move the community forward stating that the monarch is not a magician to develop the community within a twinckle of an eye.

" The monarch should be given at least 10 years to repair the community, the monarch is not a magician, he should be given time to commence work with his cabinet members," he pleaded.

On those who have dragged the monarch to court over his victory, the PG pleaded that, "Those in court should withdraw their suit immediately, the election was transparent. I don't see the reason for them to challenge the result in court," he further affirmed.

Highlight of the occasion was display by dance groups 

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