Abducted Anambra market chairman yet to be released 10 days after...traders react, intensify prayers

Abducted Anambra market chairman yet to be released 10 days after...traders react, intensify prayers

Abducted Anambra market chairman yet to be released 10 days after ...traders react, intensify prayers

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

Palpable fear has allegedly gripped traders in Anambra State, sequel to the abduction of chairman of Mgbuka Amazun market, Chief Enibe Francis, situated along Onitsha-Owerri road, Onitsha, Anambra State, in the early hours of September 25, 2023, being Monday Sit-at-home, by a yet to be identified gunmen, and has not been released 10 days after.

He was said to have been abducted by unknown gunmen who stormed the market, beat him to pulp and whisked him away in their waiting SUV to an unknown destination and has not been seen till date.

Reacting on the incidence, the chairman of Sokoto market, Onitsha, Hon. Emeka Eze, said that his abduction has resulted in fear gripping every market chairman.

"What happened was unfortunate, we have to embark on serious prayers for his release alive. Government should provide enough security to the markets if the Monday sanitation and prayer should continue because with the latest ugly development, fear has gripped traders.

"We are not happy with what happened, that our brother is being held. Government should do something because it means we are not save. Nnamdi Kanu should also be released for all these crimes to end.

"Vigilante group only can't do this thing alone, there should be joint security operatives to face the fire power of the unknown gunmen because they don't operate with pump action guns but military rifles like Ak47 guns and other sophisticated weapons," he stated.

Also reacting, the chairman of Onitsha Main market, Chief Innocent Ezeoha, stated that his market has embarked on fervent prayer for the release of the abducted market chairman unharmed.

He urged that efforts be intensified by both Government and individuals/groups for the release of Nnamdi Kanu to help curtail crimes and criminality in the Southeast geo-political zone.

Contributing, the chairman of Haruna market, Chief Emmanuel Idoko, stated that to have picked the Mgbuka Amazu market chairman without any resistance from the market vigilante group or any other persons means that the security there is porous and not at an alert when the unknown gunmen stormed the market in question.

"We have security in my market and I am the Chief Security Officer, CSO, of ASMATA, we are asking the Governor to beef up security as this is a slight on the traders, it looks unbelievable that the market head was kidnapped. The governor is the one that asked us to do sanitation on Mondays, and open our shops. We discussed it with him during our last meeting at Awka and he assured us of provision of security. Markets suppose to have joint task force so that the traders will be determined.

"We did our Monday prayers and stayed throughout , when we got the call, we decided to rush to Mgbuka Amazu, we are asking for more security from the Governor, the thing also put fear on traders, my traders did not turn up after the incident, we are praying for the release of Nnamdi kanu, that is our prayer every Monday so that the crime will end.

"I don't know why some people will be terrorizing the market, we believe that if Nnamdi Kanu is released, all these hoodlums will stop, if other things come up, then we know that they are criminals not freedom fighters," he further added. 

Reacting, the chairman of Grain Seed market, Chief Chijioke Okpala, prayed for the release of the abducted chairman unhurt pointing out that God will rescue His people from unforeseen circumstances  even as he prayed God to give the market chairmen in the State the strength and guidance towards upliftment of the markets in line with Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo's resolve to better the welfare of traders.

"Efforts should be intensified for the release of the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, to assist in curtailing the increased crime rate. Once he is released it will give Joy to the Igbo and peaceful atmosphere returned.

"The kidnap of chairman of that market is unfortunate, however, we opened our market last Monday and will continue to open our market because of the present economic and political quagmire. The problem with that market was that the security operatives there were not at an alert when the unknown gunmen struke.

"We agreed with the Government that there should be security patrol all over the market on Monday sit-at-home but Government has not put up enough security. We pray that they should release Mgbuka Amazu's chairman. The abducted market chairman is unfortunate as there was no challenge from any quarters against the unknown gunmen when they came calling.

"I was told that when they stormed  the market, they beat the chairman to stupor, bundled him into a waiting SUV and whisked him to an unknown destination that he has not been seen till today.

"We are praying for his release alive so that more fear will not grip the traders", he pleaded.

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