Leadership crisis: court orders warring factions to maintain status quo

Leadership crisis: court orders warring factions to maintain status quo

Leadership crisis: court orders warring factions to maintain status quo

By Calis Mbadugha, Onitsha

An Awka High court, Anambra State, Presided over by Hon. Justice Ike Ogu, Friday, ordered both warring factions over community leadership to maintain status quo pending the determination of the substantive suit.

He gave the order in the suit No. OT/209/2023 and Motion No. OT/860M/2023, between Mr. Chinweze Egwuatu (chairman of caretaker committee of Obiogbo-Agwa Ifite, Nteje, Oyi Local Government Area, and Mr. Chukwunonso Udoba (secretary of caretaker committee of Obiogbo-Agwa, Ifite, Nteje, (suing for themselves and on behalf of members of caretaker committee of Obiogbo-Agwa kindred, Ifite village, Nteje, (plaintiffs) against . Mr. Nnaemeka Agbamkpu, Oluebube Ikemefuna and Mr. Nnamdi Iloduba, (defendants).

 The judge had after hearing and considering the motion ex- parte dated the 1 day of September, 2023 and filed on the same day together with affidavit in support deposed to by Chinweze Egwuatu, (plaintiff), and after hearing the submission of F. N. Asogwa (Esq.) counsel for the Plaintiffs/Applicants move in terms of the Motion paper ordered both parties to maintain the status quo ante belum pending the hearing of the motion on notice. 

He ordered also that the case file shall be transmitted to the Hon. Administrative Judge of the Otuocha Judicial Division for re-assignment to one of the regular courts.

 The plaintiffs/applicants are hereby granted leave to serve the originating processes and any other process in this case on the defendants/Respondents by substituted means to wit by posting same on the house/entrance or exit gate or doors at Oblogbo Agwa kindred, Ifite village, Nteje. 

According to the judge when service is effected in terms of this order it shall be deemed to be proper service.

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