Anambra: Women place curse on trouble makers as community celebrates newyam festival

Anambra: Women place curse on trouble makers as community celebrates newyam festival

The women wing leader with microphone 

Anambra: Women place curse on trouble makers as community celebrates newyam festival

By Calis Mbadugha, Onitsha

The women wing, (Umuada), of Umuadike Nawfia community, Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State, had during the 2023 (second edition), of the new yam festival of His Royal Highness, Igwe Dan Obelle, (Ezeudo), placed curses on anybody that opposed the enthronement of the monarch.

It was gathered that the women placed the curses when they paid homage to the monarch as he (monarch), played host to his subjects, friends and well-wishers who thronged his Palace to felicitate with him in the second edition of his newyam festival since his enthronement as the monarch.

The women wing, led by Mrs. Chidera Mbadugha, Obidinma, said that God enthroned Igwe Obelle to restore the lost glory of the community and develop it after about 21 years of crises warning that the wrath of God would befall any one that overtly or covertly oppose the divine enthronement of Igwe Obelle.

The monarch and wife as they majestically danced round acknowledging greetings from guests

"Anybody or group of persons that oppose this God-giving monarch of Nawfia community should wait for the wrath of God. We have suffered enough. For about 21 years no progress and we pray that God will visit anybody that in one way or the other opposes the development of this community.

"Igwe Obelle is sent by God to restore the lost glory of this community and I warn that whoever that opposes that opposes God and has brought curses to himself," he warned.

In his response, Igwe Obelle thanked the group and others for coming to felicitate with him in the newyam festival and enjoined all and sundry to join him in moving the community forward.

Earlier, Igwe Obelle while cutting and eating the new yam, to show that all are free to eat it , thank God for the abundant farm produce this year and prayed Him for the community to have greater farm produce next year adding that his enthronement by God restored peace in the community which earned him the name, "Ezeudo n' Nawfia").

The monarch, an Ambassador who retired from foreign mission, was issued with certificate of recognition by the immediate past Governor Willie Obiano, to pilot the affairs of the community as the monarch after being elected by his people and presented to Njikoka Local Government Area that in turn presented him to the State Government.

Expectations from him are said to be high as he will use his experience garnered from foreign mission to infrastructurally and peacefully lead the community to the promised Land.

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