Anambra community elects new PG to substitute assassinated PG

Anambra community elects new PG to substitute assassinated PG

Anambra community elects new PG to substitute assassinated PG

By Calis Mbadugha, Onitsha

A new President General, PG, of Obosi community, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State, Chief Chiemezie Obi, was weekend elected to substitute the assassinated PG of the community, late Chief Ike Okolo.

Recall that the late Okolo was assassinated in early January 2023, by a yet to be identified gunmen while in his SUV at a filling station in the community.

The new PG was elected alongside other 15-man executive at the community town hall in a keenly contested election conducted by the electoral committee headed by Chief Dan Igbokwubili, and observed by the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Hon Tony Collins Nwabunwanne, who was ably represented by Mr. Tony Onyekaomelu.

Reacting to the election, the electoral committee chairman, Chief Igbokwubili described it as free, fair and credible even as the elected executive members were sworn in immediately.

On why the office of the financial secretary was not contested for, he said that it was based on the order from the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters.

Meanwhile, one of the two contestants to the office, Mr Okoye Ernest Chinwendu,lamented that he was excluded from the election when he is qualified to contest the position.

"They had wanted my only rival to contest, having removed my name from the list and I petitioned to the election body and eventually the body excluded the office from list of offices being contested for. As it is now, we are waiting to know what step will be taken.

Meanwhile, the elected executives swear in shortly after their election, presented to the monarch of the community, HRM, Igwe Chidubem Iweka 111, for Royal blessing 

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