Onitsha Unusual Praise 2023: Members Storm Onitsha Metropolis For Sensitization

Onitsha Unusual Praise 2023: Members Storm Onitsha Metropolis For Sensitization

Onitsha Unusual Praise 2023: Members Storm Onitsha Metropolis For Sensitization

By Polycarp Ifeanyi, Onitsha

The Unusual Praise members yesterday stormed Onitsha metropolis to inform the teeming inhabitants about the Unusual Praise 2023 that would hold in Onitsha.

Fielding questions from journalists in Onitsha, the co-ordinator of Onitsha Unusual Praise 2023, Augustina Igbokwe disclosed that their mission to Onitsha was to intimate the people that Unusual Praise 2023 would hold in Onitsha on Friday November 10, 2023 at the Cathedral Basilica of the Most Holy  Trinity Onitsha.

According to her, Unusual Praise is the largest gathering of Catholics in Sub-Sahara African in worshipping and praising God on one stage, one night one people praising and worshipping God as it ought to be worshipping and praising.

The legal luminary further explained that the Unusual Praise started 14 years ago as a family affair at Catholic Church of Devine Mercy Lekki, Legos State Nigeria and it is an Evangelisation derive.

" Jesus Christ when He was leaving the world in the book of Mathew Chapter 26: 16-20, He gave us a command and order, " He said, go into the world and make disciples of all the Nation, teaching them everything I have taught you". The Church without Evangelisation will die. This is a way to continue to derive the order Jesus Christ taught us"

Also in the book of Genesis chapter 1-28, when God created the world, He blessed men and women and said " go into the world and multiply, be fruitful and dominate it". It is a way of bearing fruit and God hates unfruitful and that is why Jesus Christ ordered to cut down any  unfruitful tree. So, we are encouraging people to bear fruits. We want people to be disciples of Christ so that Church would not die" Said Igbokwe.  

She further said that  Unusual Praise follow the foot step of their Master, Jesus Christ which she said feed people spiritually and also gave them bread and multiplied it to feed five thousands people, even as she revealed that they have Unusual Entrepreneur, a platform where they grant loans ranging from #150,000 to #1,000,000 to young people to start business of their choice and they have empowered many young  people in Onitsha last year.

Equally speaking, one of the Unusual Praise media crew, Stella Maris Ikelionwu stated that this year marked 3rd years of Unusual Praise is holding in Onitsha, stressing the need to get more participants and larger congregation during the day.

She, however, averred that Unusual Praise is open for every interested persons, saying that it is non denomination organization and they do not discriminate, just as she said that non Christian worshipers are free to participate.  

She mentioned; Chioma Jesus, Chinyere Udoma, Prince Gozie  Okeke, Evangelist James Arum,  Nkwa Group, Jude Nnam amongst other are Ministers they expected to thrill the event.

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