Rt. Hon Idu: Fathers as pillars of home

Rt. Hon Idu: Fathers as pillars of home

Rt. Hon. Engr. Idu Emeka
Godwin Obiajulu,
Rt. Hon. Engr. Idu Emeka Godwin Obiajulu, House of Representatives Member representing the good people of Onitsha North and South Federal Constituency, has felicitated with all fathers in his constituency and Nigeria in general as they celebrates 2023 Fathers Day.

Rt. Hon. Engr. Idu Emeka Godwin Obiajulu described Fathers as pillars of home, who according to him shouldered most of the responsibilities in home. While hailing fathers for their unique roles, the Member representing Onitsha North South Federal Constituency emphasis on the need for fathers to pay closer attention to their children especially at the tender age. This he said, would help to produce morally-sound children and a saner society.

On behalf of his family, friends and well-wishers, He happily celebrate with Fathers, especially those in Onitsha North and South Federal Constituency as they commemorate their day today. May God Almighty continue to keep and protect them for us, Amen.

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