Police excesses : judge orders NBA to sanction policemen who invade his court, disrupt proceedings

Police excesses : judge orders NBA to sanction policemen who invade his court, disrupt proceedings

Police excesses : judge orders NBA to sanction policemen who invade his court, disrupt proceedings

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

An Otuocha High court 2, Anambra State, Presided over by Hon. Justice R.O. Onunkwo, has ordered Nigerian Bar Association, NBA branches  in the area and Onitsha, to ensure that a five man police team from '33' Police Station, Nkwelle-Ezunaka, Oyi Local Government Area, that invaded his court and disrupted court proceedings in a bid to arrest a defendant, Mr. Ojukwu E. Samuel, are brought to book.

This according to him would curtail the excesses of some trigger-happy policemen and serve as deterrent to future offenders

Reacting to the invasion, an eye witness who identified himself as Barr. B. C. Udemezue, said that, "The drama started the moment Hon. Justice Onunkwo of High Court No. 2, finished proceedings in the criminal case involving the victim wherein it was reported to the judge that the complainant was repeatedly harassing and attacking the day, Ojukwu.

"The defendant said that the complainant has mastered the act of always using the police to arrest and rearrest him over the same dispute which borders principally on land issue.

"The judge threatened to remand the complainant when he could not give a reasonable explanation for incessantly arresting the defendant but later made an order that nobody should arrest the defendant again in the matter between him and the complainant until the court concludes the trial," the eye witness stated.

He continued that, “Just few minutes after the court adjourned the case, the same complainant stepped out and called some policemen he came to court with and they moved to arrest the defendant.

“The resistance put up by the defendant attracted attention, and lawyers urged the police to obey the court order just made but they refused. The judge himself sent his own orderly to call the team leader but the team leader refused to answer the judge. When some lawyers confronted the police, they threatened to shoot them, two of the policemen cocked their rifles.

“It took the doggedness of the court security man, to wrestle the defendant from their hand and the defendant ran into the court with one handcuffed hand. This forced both the Administrative Judge. Hon. Justice H. O. Ozoh and Hon Justice Onunkwo to rise abruptly," he stated.

Fumming and feeling the raid was a slight on the court and his person, Justice Onunkwo ordered the leadership of NBA to do something about the unfortunate incident, stating that it would not be swept under the carpet.

Reacting also, another witness, Chief Edugo John Nwabudu, stated that, "I was one of those who separated the fight. I don't know police do arrest people in court. The policemen were planted outside the court fully armed and they parked their vehicle in front of the court .

"They tried to force Ojukwu inside their vehicle but he resisted them and was shouting that he didn't commit any offence which attracted litigants, lawyers and the two  courts' judges rose abruptly. Justice Onunkwo made straight to his chamber and phoned the Commissioner of Police on what was happening. 

"The policemen wanted to shoot the lawyers that joined to resist the arrest of Ojukwu, who is the chairman of Egwuatu Estate, because the case is about land. Imagine police involving themselves in land matter.

"Before this bid to arrest Ojukwu in court, police from zone 13 went to the said estate and destroyed  charms in a house used as torture camp where illegal security operatives employed by the complainant were stationed, they sacked the owner of the house," he explained further.

Reacting, the owner of the house said, they sacked  and took possession of his house for all manners of illegalities even as chairman of the chairman of Christ the King Amalgamated estate, Mr. Kingsley, said the vigilante operatives were illegal.


  1. It will fair if this land grabbers stay clear from ojukwu estate Egwuatu . According to the village head of ogwari they have told their factional brothers to stay clear from Egwuatu estate and ojukwu that they're still in court with Egwuatu family, ontill court decide their faith. This is what they said in the zone 13 office

  2. Wahala dey for this country, how can policemen try to arrest someone in the court premisses.

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