ASMATA Ogbaru Zonal Leader Felicitates Hon. Udeze As Anambra Speaker, Commends Gov. Soludo

ASMATA Ogbaru Zonal Leader Felicitates Hon. Udeze As Anambra Speaker, Commends Gov. Soludo

ASMATA Ogbaru Zonal Leader Felicitates Hon. Udeze As Anambra Speaker, Commends Gov. Soludo

By Polycarp Ifeanyi, Onitsha

The Anambra State Market Amalgamated Traders Association ( ASMATA, Ogbaru branch zonal leader, Chief Ndubuisi Ochiogu has joined his voice in felicitating the speaker of 8th Anambra State House of Assembly, Rt, Hon. Sir. Somtochukwu Nkem Udeze.

Chief Ochiogu who made the felicitation in a chat with our correspondent also stated that Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo deserves commendations for his magnanimous acts to open his arms and received Hon. Udeze as the speaker of 8th Assembly of the State.

He unequivocally noted that Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze " Nnabuenyi Ogbaru" has the capacity to deliver and consolidate the efforts of Governor Soludo is not in doubt.

"Actually, Hon. Somtochukwu Udeze as the new speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly is a welcomed development  especially now Anambra has a solution Governor. It is also a bold  initiatives to strengthen the All Progressive Grand Alliance ( APGA) party in Ogbaru Local government.

On behalf of my fellow Market leaders in Ogbaru zone, I appreciate God and eulogize you on your new position. I equally pray God to shower you with more knowledge, wisdom and understanding in order to pilot the affairs of speakership as well as give you Maxim protection throughout your tenure in the legislative duties.

We are solidly behind you and be rest assured of our support since we believe that you are the best to work with Governor Soludo in repositioning our dear state and make it liveable" 

Ochiogu who doubles as the President General of Ogbaru Main Market rained encomium to Governor Soludo who he said has once again demonstrated his sincere love to Ogbaru Local government by accepting their Son to be the new speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly.

He said Professor Soludo has marvelously done great to Ndi-Ogbaru, stressing that he deserves unalloyed support and Ogbaru Market leaders are ready  to reciprocate him by making sure to return him for second tenure.

"Without mincing words, Soludo has a special interest in the people of Ogbaru and that is why we should all rally round to deliver him in his second tenure. I would vividly remember that Soludo began his first projects as the Governor in Ogbaru immediately his swearing in and up till today he continued thinking good for Ndi-Ogbaru.

He has commissioned numerous roads  in Ogbaru, precisely 9 roads simultaneously at Okpoko Community and promised to do more. So, there is a saying that, " Reciprocity is an ideal union". We must endevour to return our solution Governor in his second tenure and that should be our collective responsibilities. We should not also as well forget in hurry that ( APGA ) Party is our own party. It is our project to keep it alive" Said Ochiogu. 

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