Anambra: Man who first tarred road honoured posthumoursly, scores commence tarring

Anambra: Man who first tarred road honoured posthumoursly, scores commence tarring

Commissioning of the projects by the Regent

Anambra: Man who first tarred road honoured posthumoursly, scores commence tarring

By Kingsley Okeke, Onitsha

An industrialist in Uruegbe Umuoji community, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State, Chief John Ekweoba Muoghalu, who was the first to construct and tar a road, that stretches up to 2.7klm, was Sunday, honoured posthumoursly along side four others who contributed to the infrastructural development of the community.

Chief Muoghalu, according to the community chairman, Hon. Christian Oranu, single handedly designed, constructed and tarred 2.7klm of road from Abidi junction to Uruegbu Akala-etiti end and master minded the building of Uruegbu Civic centre from foundation to finish.

He said that the industrialist, called Onwa, by his admirers, placed a number of indigent people in the community on monthly stipend and built houses for scores of them, hinting that his magnanimity was achieved following absolute peace and unity of the people in the area.

"Today, the same spirit of late Muoghalu was spotted some Noble men and women of this community which led to the designed and construction of about 2klm of road with drainage by Chief Chibueze Muokwe, Ichie Ezeani Omekaodimma, designed and constructed 1klm part of Ilo Uruegbe, through Ezechukwu to Ichie Egbejiaku end, by Chief Raphael Ufodu Okonkwo , among other".

"In view of the kind gesture, from Muoghalu, and four others, we decided to build this monument and gate, that we are commissioning, in memory of Chief Muoghalu. Also the unity gate symbolises unity of purpose and quick reminder to generations to come, that there is power and strength in being United.

He commended the President General of Umuoji community, Chief Sly Onyima and others for their support and advice for a better community even as he charged all to embrace peace.

Contributing, the Permanent Secretary( Emeritus), Chief Okey Nwabachili, said that the Uruegbe people were source of inspiration and encouragement to many adding that today the community has developed tremendously.

He commended the PG and the Regent of Umuoji, Chief Christopher Nnedu for their philanthropy and urged them not to relent in their efforts to better the welfare of the people.

Also reacting, the youth chairman of Uruegbe, Abuchi Onwumelu, thanked God for the immotalization of Chief Muoghalu, even as he advised the youths to emulate him for a better tomorrow.

"Immotalizing Chief Muoghalu is a way of encouraging others. Other people should encourage him as he did all these when he was a youth. Having money is different and spending it wisely is another thing.

"I am happy that it is under my leadership that these things are happening. Let us think of what we shall do for our community and not what our community will do for us," he advised.

Commissioning the projects, the regent of Umuoji community, Chief Christopher Nnedu Odezuluigbo, recalled that Governor Charles Soludo', when he came to the community urged the people to embark on the development of their area, which he (regent) promised him, adding that today, achievements are in scores.

"Umuoji is a big community that loves themselves and I work in pertnership with the PG for the development of the community. This monument and gate that are being commissioned today, are to the glory of God," he prayed.

The President General had in his speech earlier, urged the people who want to construct roads to also commence tarring the roads like late Muoghalu did for the beauty of the area.

Expressing satisfaction with the honour done to his father, the first son, Emeka Muoghalu, said that his father was a special gift to the community adding that the vacuum he left would be difficult to replace.

"My father was extra ordinary, to copy him is difficult . He did wonderful things. The people should emulate him, they should be focused in what they are doing," he hinted

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