Why we must vote for APGA candidates - Main Market chairman

Why we must vote for APGA candidates - Main Market chairman

Why we must vote for APGA candidates - Main Market chairman

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

Chief innocent Ezeoha, chairman Onitsha Main market, Anambra State, weekend gave reasons why residents of the State should come out en masse and vote for the candidates of All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA, come March 18,  Governorship and States Houses of Assembly nationwide.

Fielding questions from newsmen, the market chairman recalled that APGA is a household name for the Igbo to be used as vehicle to shoot to the limelight, adding that it was embraced by all Igbo when late  Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, leader, used it to contest for the Presidency.

"Anambra is light of the nation and  that light of the nation is APGA , APGA is a tradition as far as Anambra is concern. It is that tradition that is spreading across the whole  Eastern states, and beyond. Some are calling it a regional party but is bedluck of the Igbo. We are our brothers' keepers.

"APGA is a party representing Igbo nation which Anambra is the head, that is why APGA stands film in Anambra, then other states emulating it. It Is that sun and spirit of APGA that promotes Peter Obi and other who is who in Nigeria politics. There is nothing like war in Anambra politics, even those campaigning, after campaigning everyone will be one and in love again.

"That is why we say, 'Nke a Bu Nke Anyi,' APGA stands for all Igbo race. Those that  move out of APGA and entered into another party are showcasing what they learned in APGA in another party. For instance Peter Obi, he is APGA product.

 "Now that we as APGA, backed him up and other tribes supported him, he was able to contest the Presidential election of which most people believed he won the election because the APGA spirit is at work.

"Now that the House of Assembly election is around the corner,  we are suppose to return to APGA structure by giving our dynamic government 100 per cent, through our votes to APGA candidates contesting for House of Assemby so that the members will work smoothly with APGA blood.

He said that Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo has performed excellently well in just less than one year because he has majority of the members of the House from APGA adding that any attempt to allow other parties to have majority in the House would retard the swift infrastructural development of the State.

"He was able to award almost 265 kilometers of roads, and ready to award more. If we are not ready to give him full support, if anti party comes in they will start finding unnecessary fault from the Governor. That means that the money the Governor is suppose to be working with, will be used to settle political interest, which Anambra has passed that level. Anambra is no more doing that. If you are Ananbrarian, go to your L.G.A. or any L.G. in Anambra, there must be a government project there.

"That is APGA blood, so there are some people that want to destroy APGA, I want to use this opportunity of the vote support we  gave Labour party to ask Anambra people to vote APGA.

"We gave Labour protest vote and not only Peter Obi, just that Nigeria don't want the system the Federal Government is operating on, and Peter Obi is out to deliver Nigeria and he is not Igbo representative but he is seen as a national representative. We have passed that one, now is House members  everybody is living with, the foundation stone of that light of the nation we want to build now. We have to make the foundation to be strong so everyone should come back to APGA so that the House of Assembly will be fully loaded with APGA candidates. 

"We are preaching to every line in main market that APGA should be voted all the way. Main market is head lamp, every L.G. is here, every Igbo race is here, what they need to hear is where we stand for the betterment of Anambra state. Those that will travel to their villages should let people know that is APGA all the way. We are preaching it every day even in platforms. Main market hasvtaken full stand on APGA," he posited

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