We're Obidient, but not members of labour party, says APGA candidate

We're Obidient, but not members of labour party, says APGA candidate

We're Obidient, but not members of labour party, says APGA candidate

By Emeka Okeke, Awka 

All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, House of Assembly candidate, Mr Ebuka Igwe, weekend, said that most of the political parties in Idemili South Local Government Area, constituency supported the Obi-dient movement during the presidential election even without being members of Labour Party, LP.

Igwe who spoke to newsmen at his Alor polling unit, while casting his vote, said: "as members of Obi-dient family which is an ideology, we supported Peter Obi but not in this case of House of Assembly, 

He commended the turnout of voters, but however, pointed out that there were pockets of election violence recorded in some places, believing to be the strong hold of APGA.

According to him, "The truth is that we're not intimidated, because labour party is different from Obidient, all of us are Obidient during the first election, because of our love and we believe in the person of Mr Peter Obi".

"We are not members of labour Party, labour party is a political party, while Obidient is an ideology, so all of us are Obidient and we don't belong to labour party", he said. 

"Today's turnout is good, though it's peaceful, but there are pockets of violence here and there, electioneering in Nigeria can not be 100 percent perfect, so far so good it's moving not well".

"The voting process seems to be faster, compared to the presidential and national assembly election. The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC officials were also here on time". 

"I am optimistic that I must win the election because I have the support of the grassroots which is the most important thing, because democracy is a game of numbers and we believe that we have the numbers, am optimistic that APGA will win this elections landslide. 

"My opposition are not on ground, when it comes to individual, I stand out among them, I am a lawyer by profession, and house of assembly has to do with law making, I believed that as a lawyer I have an added advantage over them,"  he hinted.

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