State Assembly Election: Vote APGA For The Sake Of Igbos, Soludo - Ochiogu

State Assembly Election: Vote APGA For The Sake Of Igbos, Soludo - Ochiogu

By Polycarp Ifeanyi, Onitsha

In his efforts to douse the political tension currently rising in Anambra State over which political party will dominate Anambra House of Assembly in the forthcoming State House of Assembly election, Mr. Ndubisi Ochiogu has passionately appealed to Ndi-Anambra to vote for APGA candidates for the sake of Ndigbo and Governor Soludo.

Fielding questions from journalists in Onitsha, Mr. Ochiogu who is the president general of Ogbaru Main Market near Onitsha noted that there is need for Ndi-Anambra to demonstrate the spirit of " Nkea bu nke anyi " by voting for APGA candidates that would work in harmony with Governor Soludo for the over all development of the state.

He added that voting for APGA candidates could be also a due respect to late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu who he said was the leader of Ndigbo and founder of  APGA Party in Igboland, even as he reminded Anambraians and Ndigbo in general that APGA Party is a last legacy  Ojukwu left for Igbos.

" My dear brothers and sisters, my  reasons of appealing to you people to vote for APGA candidates for the State House Assembly election is that; APGA is Igbo party which the leader of Ndigbo, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu introduced to Igbos. Every Igbo person accepted the party and vowed that the party can never phase out in Anambra State.

Even Peter Obi our own  brother equally vowed that he would not abandon APGA party, that's why before he left APGA, he accorded Ojukwu honour and eventually left APGA and joined another Party but we still voted for him because he is our brother and Igbo man.

This time, we should come back to our own Party (APGA) and vote for all the candidates the same way we voted for Peter Obi. A real Igbo son of the soil can never forget Dim  Ojukwu. Ojukwu was a gift to Ndigbo like wise Nnamdi Kanu and other numerous prominent Igbo leaders who are pride of Ndigbo.

Therefore, I am appealing that on Saturday March 11, 2023 let all of us converge en masse and cast  vote to APGA candidates. Let us not forget our origin because we Igbos are known for " Onye ayana nwa nne ya" means be your brother's keeper and that is the APGA party slogan.

So, whoever is offended should forgive and forget about the past because divided we fall, united we stand. We must protect our state and Igboland. APGA party is also Igbos identity . Igbo bu Enyi, we shall live" Dalun !!!. 

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