Hold former Anambra Commerce Commissioner responsible for market crises - Ochiogu

Hold former Anambra Commerce Commissioner responsible for market crises - Ochiogu


Hold former Anambra Commerce Commissioner responsible for market crises - Ochiogu

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

The former Anambra State  Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, Hon. Obinna Ngonadi, should be held responsible for crises in markets in the State.

This assertion was made Thursday, by the chairman of Ogbaru Relief, (Main) market, near Onitsha, Chief Ndubisi Ochiogu, while reacting to the coming Saturday Governorship and House of Assembly elections.

He expressed optimism that Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo will have All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, candidates as majority of the lawmakers in the State House of Assembly sequel to his good work in the rapid infrastructural development of the State.

Condemning some of the present crop of market leaders he said, "After this election, if it is possible, those who know about market leadership should be made leaders because some of them who don't know anything about market affairs were appointed by the former Commissioner Ngonadi, and that is the problem we are having in the markets today.

"In my market, it is APGA all the way, in every entry/exit gate, you will see APGA posters. Because I am an ardent supporter of APGA, people have vowed to vote for APGA come the Saturday election. Every trader here said my achievements in the market were enough to vote for APGA. If it were in some markets the posters would have been torn into pieces but here they have remained as they were kept for days now.

"Ngonadi came to destroy the whole markets in the State by installing wrong people as market leaders and that is the problem facing most markets in the State. The Commissioner is only interested in who 'shakes' his hand and not interested in the calibre of the person 

"He is inexperienced in market affairs to head the markets as he does not know the happenings. His administration made markets to be porous. Any market chairman he appointed is only in charge of the market and not the environment around him"," he hinted.

Chief Ochiogu stressed the need for the installation of quality representatives like Governor  Soludo in leadership for better welfare to the people adding that the former Commissioner messed up the market system for selfish interest.

Ochiogu revealed that following his love for APGA, wife of former Governor Willie Obiano, Mrs. Ebelechukwu Obiano, in company of former chairman of Ogbaru Local Government Area, Hon. Arinze Awogu, stormed the market and gave the traders #1million which the traders shared amongst them.

"The residents of Okpoko are clamouring for Soludo because of the infrastructures, especially roads he is fixing for them. For the first time Okpoko is experiencing proper development. The things that develop a community are roads, light and water, Soludo is putting all these in place now. He is installing solar lights all over the place at a lesser cost.

" Even in my country home, Oraukwu, the people will vote for APGA because they know I always stand by the truth. They will vote APGA candites because Soludo is a marketable product," he assured.

Also on fear of Labour Party taking over the State, Chief Ochiogu posited that some of those who won during the last elections were opportunists who climbed on the back of the Labour Party.

"Peter Obi even said it that now only quality candidates would be elected irrespective of political party affiliation. We know that some who won used Labour Party, as movement to win," he said.

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