Assembly poll: Touts, robbers will return to Anambra if APGA fails - Importer warns

Assembly poll: Touts, robbers will return to Anambra if APGA fails - Importer warns


Assembly poll: Touts, robbers will return to Anambra if APGA fails - Importer warns

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

An Onitsha, Anambra State, based importer, Chief  Samuel Ifulunwa, Wednesday, warned that failure to vote for All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, House of Assembly candidates to get majority in the House may result in the return of touts and armed robbers who prior to the assumption of Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo, as the Governor of the State, were terrorising the State.

Explaining further, Chief  Ifulunwa ,stated that there may be constant chaos in the legislative chamber as members represent different political interest that may not be to the good of the people.

The importer, who is also the chairman of Mgbuka Obosi market, reiterated that all efforts should be geared towards ensuring that APGA controls the legislative house in the interest of the State and its people.

" We have 20 zones in the market, all the zonal chairmen and secretaries went round the whole zones and informed the people the need to vote APGA come this Saturday election. Many complied, especially because of the work the governor has at hand and the road that leads to our market which he has started to construct.

"Through out this week, I had series of meetings with the market stakeholders and who is who in this market, to make sure that APGA wins this election.

"The truth is that if non APGA members occupy the State House , the governor will work but not as we expect. There is nothing good like one house, in the 30 seats, I believe APGA will occupy more than 20 seats, I pray that they will be many.

"Soludo and Obi are brothers, they are not in enmity within themselves and the governor campaigned for Obi during last Presidential election.
Soludo chased touts out of the markets. There is peace now in the markets,' he revealed.

Reacting, Pastor Chinedu Ugwoegbu, the Public Relations Officer, PRO, of the market said that as spokeman he had sent messages to zonal leaders, telling them the need to vote for APGA candidates as the Governor has achieved a lot for the State.

"The road leading to this place is being rehabilitated by the governor, we have to deliver APGA so that we will attract government attention in our market.

"People complained of too much taxes which our governor suspended for now and promised to look into it and do it the way it will favour everyone.Our market is peaceful, the stakeholders have been informed on what to do on this Saturday to ensure peaceful voting," he said.

In his own contribution, the secretary, Chief. Ogochukwu Oguagbaka, said that the executive members worked  in  synergy with the chairman before carrying out any resolution aimed  at moving the market forward.

"We sensitize people from Awka and Ogbaru on the need to avoid fire outbreak in the market like making sure that all switches are off when closing for the day, and we are doing those things as the governor told us," he hinted

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