Enugu State Indigenes Vow To Deliver Senator Oduah

Enugu State Indigenes Vow To Deliver Senator Oduah

Enugu State Indigenes Vow To Deliver Senator Oduah

By Ifedi Ifeanyi, Onitsha

Ahead of the forthcoming general election in Nigeria, Enugu State Indigenes dwelling in Anambra North Senatorial zone have endorsed and vowed to deliver the candidate contesting for Anambra North Senatorial seat, Princess Stella Oduah.

The group endorsed Senator Oduah at their large meeting which held at Sharon House GRA Inland Town, Onitsha North LGA, Anambra State.

Addressing coal city Indigenes, the Director General (DG) campaign organisation for Senator Stella Oduah, Hon. Eucheria Azodo expressed her delight to the people of Enugu State for gathering in their numbers.

She described Enugu people as descent people, reminding them that she was born in Enugu and her father was a coal miner adding that she  attended  her Secondary Education in Enugu, even as she noted that she is partially Indigenes of Enugu State.

" My dear brothers and sisters, we gathered you all today to tell you about distinguished Senator Adaeze Oduah also to highlight some of her activities and achievements in Anambra North and South East in general. 

As we all known that distinguished Senator Oduah is currently  representing Anambra North in the Red Chamber. She is a ranking member in the Senate. So, she wants to go back again. What she attracted in Anambra North is enormous. She built a lot of roads, empowered so many youths and adults especially women and widows. She equally sponsored several bills of which the current one is at the final stage.

She built a lot of  houses to people mostly less privileged ones. Through her influence,  general Hospital Onitsha is now Federal medical center including scholarship scheme she offered to youths who are currently studying in various institutions. 

Moreso, Senator Oduah established various skills acquisition centres where youths and adults are learning different vocations. If I continue to mention her achievements, we cannot leave here today. Therefore, This time around, when she go back, she will do more than what she has done.. I am soliciting to you people to come out en mass and vote for  Senator Oduah on February 25, 2023"  She pleaded.

Briefing journalists shortly after the meeting, the Chairman of Enugu State Indigenes living in Anambra North, Mr. Onyekachukwu Paul Nnebo said that the activities and achievements of Senator Stella Oduah is verifiable, saying that no body in Anambra North will deny that the distinguished senator is not working tremendously.

" I am very much aware that Senator Oduah is building a lot of roads, empowering a lot of people. So, we Enugu State Indigenes living in Anambra North have unanimously endorsed her and we will cast our votes to her. We have adopted her as our consensus candidate because she is the only politician who recognized our existence in Anambra North Senatorial zone"  

Similarly, Mr. Nwodo Christian Ikechukwu the vice Chairman of Onitsha textile Market (Ogbo- abada)  hinted that Senator Oduah is the only politician who have done a lot of work to her Senatorial zone and that is why Enugu State Indigenes will deliver her to go back to Senate again.

" So, the message is clear. All of us will go back to our respective homes and town union meeting here in Anambra North  and spread the news. We must deliver Adaeze na eme ogo and nothing more than that" 

Equally speaking, one of the patrons of the group, Mr. Geofry Akwuke a.k.a Ezeudo of Umuna testified that Senator Stella Oduah distinguished her self from other politicians, stating that she built roads, offers scholarship scheme and empower teeming unemployed youths.

He urged Senator Oduah to always remember Enugu State Indigenes in her dividend plans if she wins and help to discourage the attitude of Anambra Indigenes on the way they  deprive other States from contesting Market Chairman. 


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