Catholic organization honours Onitsha DPO over crime prevention

Catholic organization honours Onitsha DPO over crime prevention

DPO middle receiving the award.

Catholic organization honours Onitsha DPO over crime prevention

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

A Catholic organization,  Justice Development Peace and Caritas, JDPC, Onitsha region, Monday, at Fegge Police Station, Onitsha, Anambra State, bestowed well deserved award of JDPC Advocate, on outstanding, patriotic, selfless and gallant Divisional Police Officer, DPO, Fegge Police Division, CSP Rabiu Garba, over service delivery and crime prevention.

Speaking during the investiture and award presentation, the chairman of the Award committee and Vice chairman of JDPC, Onitsha region Evangelist comrade Vincent Ezekwueme, who read the citation of CSP Rabiu Garba, described him as most human rights and people's friendly Police Officer, in the State. 

He said, "CSP Rabiu Garba, uses counseling, teachings, lectures, love, and empowerment in discouraging youths from crimes and criminalities. His belief that with a gun you can kill a terrorist, but with education, empowerment and employment you can kill terrorism and criminalities."

He singled him out as rare and unique gift to humanity and Nigeria Police Force stating that he is a conscientious, astute, detribalised, hardworking, honest and transparent police Officer..

"He single handedly dismantled and eradicated Ant Touting and smuggling angencies in Anambra State and rehabilitated and helped many criminal minded and lawlessness youths to establish their meaningful source of livelihood.

"His carrots and stick approach  in crimes control and preventions  has converted and transformed many criminal minded youths into law abiding and responsible citizens. He is new face and hope of our envisaged Police officers and agent of positive change.

"We wish to reiterate our earlier appeal to Inspector General of Police and Anambra State Commissioner of Police, to promote him to his next rank for doing Police and Nigeria proud because of his selfless services and sacrifices in crimes prevention," he pleaded.

In his response, CSP Garba was overwhelmed and grateful for the award from reputable watchdog organization and thanked her for reciprocating his little contributions towards the betterment, just and crime free society.

He stated that the award would spur and motivate him to do more pledging that he would live up to expectations to justify the confidence reposed on him by this noble and reputable organization..

Highlights of the event was presentation of JDPC Advocate Award Plague to CSP Rabiu Garba on behalf of JDPC, by Evangelist comrade Vincent Ezekwueme, assisted by comrade Hyginus Agharaekwe.

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