Court restrains Anambra Govt. from sacking Oba PG

Court restrains Anambra Govt. from sacking Oba PG


Court restrains Anambra Govt. from sacking Oba PG

By Chinwe Nwacha, Onitsha

An Anambra High court sitting in Awka, State capital, and Presided over by Justice O.M. Anyachebelu, Wednesday, restrained the State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Commissioner for Local Government, Chieftaincy and Community Affairs, and 11 others, (defendants), from removing the President Genearal, PG, of Oba Patriotic Union, OPU, Rev. Afam Emelie,(plaintiff) from office.

He gave the order after hearing the submission of the counsel to the plaintiff, Emeka Onyeka Esq in the suit No. HID/458/2022 and motion No. HID/1654m/2022.

The plaintiff has dragged the respondents to court praying the court to restrain them, their previes, assigns, agents and anybody whatsoever that is working towards his removal from removing him as the PG of Oba Patriotic Union, OPU, among other reliefs.

In granting the prayers of the plaintiff, the Presiding judge issued an order of injunction (exparte) restraining the defendants/respondents either by themselves or through their agents, privies, assigns or anybody whatsoever acting on their behalf from taking any step or further steps towards removing the plaintiff as the President General of the Oba Patriotic Union or taking further steps that suggests such intentions to remove the plaintiff/applicant from office..

The judge also ordered that the order made exparte shall subject to the High court Rules lapse after 7(seven) days from Wednesday (the day the order was made), except it is renewed by a further order.

He said that the case would be given accelerated hearing based on its peculiar nature and accordingly abridged the time for the hearing of the motion on notce.

He however, fixed the motion on notice and further proceedings in respect of the suit for 12 noon on 3rd day of January, 2023.

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