Stop giving birth to dwarfs in our community, methamphetamine addiction - Anambra PG warns youths

Stop giving birth to dwarfs in our community, methamphetamine addiction - Anambra PG warns youths

Stop giving birth to dwarfs in our community,  methamphetamine addiction - Anambra PG warns youths

By Tony okeke, awka

The spate of dwarfs in Aguleri community, Anambra East Local Government Area, Anambra State, is now a source of worry to the President General, PG, Chief Hibo Onwuegbuke, prompting him to warn their youths, especially the females, to stop mingling with non indigenes who he said were responsible for impregnating their daughters to give birth to dwarfs.

"In the last prayer we had, I cautioned them to be careful how they mingle with thses native foreigners, though they are Nigerians, people with not same blood, you are free to live your love life.

"Like this time some people are having dwarfs while in the history of their lineage they have not seen dwarfs. It is an abomination and you can not throw them away, they are human beings, they have right to life," he stated.

Chief Hipo who also condemned hard drug addiction by the youths, especially methamphetamine (Mkpulummili), stated Wednesday, that efforts were being intensified to stop the consumption.

"We are doing our best to stop the consumption and I can tell you some of our people are even involve in mkpulumili because of the financial benefit. They are mostly farmers, they will tell you to bring it because they know how to smuggle these things.

" I have given my people hope that tomorrow will be better, hope that we are going to the right direction, like now if you want to come out, for any elective position you have to be screened, you should be articulate on issues. You should be somebody that has sense, not being educated only.

"Through me our people have opened an account in the bank, unlike before, because I told them that it is no longer business as usual, that's why we are going higher to the nest level," he further hinted.

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