Community Leader Lauds Soludo For Bringing Palliative To Flood Victims

Community Leader Lauds Soludo For Bringing Palliative To Flood Victims

Chief Innocent Onyekwelu Nwanosike, PG Odekpe Community.

By Ifeanyi Ifedi, Onitsha

The President general of Odekpe community in Ogbaru LGA, Anambra State, Chief Innocent Onyekwelu Nwanosike has extolled the Anambra State Government led by Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo for bringing palliative materials  to ameliorate the sufferings of recent flood victims in Ogbaru LG and other parts of riverine Communities.

Chief Nwanosike who is a lawyer made the disclosure during his Ezennia of Odekpe title which conferred on him by the Traditional ruler of Odekpe Kingdom, His Royal Majesty Eze Chuma Onyiah the Okakwu of Odekpe.

He also revealed that  Odekpe Indigenes in diaspora raised about #10million Naira to purchase food items and other materials which according to him was shared to the troubled Communities.

"The government of Professor Soludo intervened during the recent flood incident in our community. Even last week, they summoned all the PG's of Ogbaru LG and riverine Communities and attended to all of us. We collected a lot of palliative materials even the ones  we collected are still dumped in the hall.

Other ones will be shared to the Community on December 24 . Everybody will get their own share even my people in diaspora contributed almost #10 million Naira to buy food items and  materials which we shared equitably to every house hold and people appreciated the transparent way it was shared to everyone"   

According to Odekpe people,  Ezennia of Odekpe  is a prestigious title conferred on Chief Nwanosike which attracted the presence of numerous busineness Associates, Clients, friends and relations, politicians, Traditional titled holders, legal Practitioners  from Onitsha and Asaba, In-laws, Odekpe community amongst other.

Speaking to newsmen, the Celebrant, Chief Innocent Onyekwelu Nwanosike Esq noted that he was overwhelmed and he never knew that his Community would recognize his little commitment towards their development, stressing that he sees whatever he attracted to his Community as a special grace of God not by his own making. 

"Today, the whole of Odekpe Community unanimously decided to honour me Ezennia of Odekpe Kingdom.To me, a little boy like me I didn't know that my Community sees my efforts as anything but to me, it is not by my own making but by the grace of God we were able to contribute little to the development of my Community. It's a great thing to eulogize God"  Said Ezennia.

The legal luminary hinted that the honour would double his commitments to ensure the betterment of his Community, stating that to whom more is given more is expected adding that the honour would also be  encouragement to him more.

He affirmed that Odekpe community has confident in him due to his transparent leadership, even as he disclosed that the community is a peace loving people and urged them to continue promoting peace for their stability, unity and progress. 

Commenting, the National Public Relation Officer (PRO) of Odekpe progressive Union, Hon. Austin Iweanyaegbunam Obum fondly Called Akaekpuchi Onwa testified that Chief Innocent Nwanosike remain the best president general of Odekpe since the inception of successive president general in their Community.

He disclosed that Odekpe in diaspora lauds the good work of the president general, Chief Innocent Nwanosike especially how he handled the issue of recent flood menace in Ogbaru LGA, commending his brilliant disposition and prayed God to bless him, give him more wisdom and strength in order to pilot the affairs of their Community.

Similarly, Rev. Fr. Vincent Nwanosike praised God for the Celebrant, describing the Ezennia title as a privilege to him.

The cleric who is a brother to Innocent Nwanosike therefore revealed that his brother never lobbied or requested for the title but the Community decided to honour him as excellent personality which he said his relations even persuaded him to accepted the title honour.

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