Anambra market empowers 1000 destitutes, patrons, others

Anambra market empowers 1000 destitutes, patrons, others

By Calis Mbadugha, Onitsha

No fewer than 1000 destitutes,  14 new patrons and 16 others were on Thursday, empowered by the leadership of Ogidi Building Materials market, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State, as the market marked her end of year party.

Prior to the commencement of the ocassion, a special church service was held in the market to thank God for His mercy and  protection of the traders through out the year.

Speaking, the President of the market, Chief Jude Nwankwo, said that the year 2023 would be a better year, stating that the market would continue to grow from strength to strength.

According to the President, "more than 1000 destitutes were empowered with a bag of rice each, toiletries, cartons of indomie, among others, to assist them celebrate the Christmas.

"Also 16 traders who had set back in their businesses were empowered with #.5million each to assist them regain and meet up with their obligations.

"We also installed 14 patrons to add to the existing ones and gave them awards as fathers of the market. I thank all that attended the ocassion and prayed God to guide them safely to their different destinations," he prayed.

Commending the President of the market, one of the destitutes who identified herself as Rose Okaha, said God would continue to keep the  Presidenr for them.

Also, another destitute, who did not want her name in print, said, "I can now celebrate Christmas with what I received from the President' of Ogidi Building Materials market, we call him Jollity."

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